STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Nullify 
Label Displeased Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

After having had quite a hard time trying to figure out the almost cryptic writing on the CD to find out bandname and album title, I found myself being enlightened: Bunkur, who have just released their latest album "Nullify". (just on the margin: it´s nice to see some different type of fonts in a booklet, or even on the promo flyer, but those archaic fonts, printed in silver on (of course) black paper, made it pretty hard and strenous to read it at times).

However, fought my way through and there´s not much to decipher on the tracklist, since it IS only one (!) track. Probably or definitely (like the promo sheet assumes), the longest track ever in extreme Doom Metal, 77 long minutes to be exact. That´s Doom for the "pro-listener". The complete album has been recorded and finished DIY. Even though you might be lead on a wrong track when having a look at the bandlogo and the whole artwork: This is no Black Metal record, it´s Doom, pure extreme Doom.
It surely requires lots of stamina to make it through walls of different sounds, voices, amps, sounds that make you believe you´re right in a room, where somebody gets tortured, etc. During the first 10 minutes I found myself wondering, when this "Intro"like part might be over, but it kept going on with varying sounds, slooooow riffs and ghostly "screams", that could´ve been straight out of some horrormovie. One voice, louder than the rest, appears every now and then, and cuts into the atmosphere in a kind of frightening way, sharp like a knife. Believe me, if you put this record on and listen to it in a dark room, it´s surely more frightening than any horrormovie. What a damn sinister and doomy atmosphere. This is extreme for sure. It´s pure listening torture, but not to be seen completely negative. When you can already say, that songs over 10 minutes often push songwriting skills to a limit, what is this then? Extreme once again. And the listeners patience surely gets pushed to its limits as well, to a limit that is reached pretty fast for most and only a handful will endure.

"This record will set new standards in extreme Doom" - that for sure and without a doubt. Being such an extremly extreme record, this is only recommendable for the die-hard Doom fans and even among those only for very few of them. Surely great for fans, everyone else will call it horribly boring. I myself can honestly NOT come up with any rating for this, since I´m neither that much or not enough into Doom, that this slow-as-slow-can-be-CD would captivate me that much to call it "fantastic", nor am I that unfamiliar with it to call it completly boring. However, I feel, that I´d do injustice to record injustice when just rating it somewhere in the middle.

Cornelia Wickel

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