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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Lower Hell

Titel / Title Hellevator 
Label Bastardized Records 
Total run time
Vö/Release15 Jan 2010 

Hailing from southern Germany, Lower Hell is releasing their latest creation „Hellevator“ Jan. 15th and it is quite good. This is the second album from the band and if they refine themselves, there should be no obstacles between then and a great success.

Considering instrumental skill, Lower Hell is quite well off. Bast Blast was doing quite a job hammering his skins and the two axes (Steffen & Bruno) are not bad either. However, the stumbling stone here was the singing. The ability of a Metal singer to howl and growl comprehensibly is a rare gift, which Sven lacks. The instrumental track, “Hellevator” reflects the song writing as well as the instrumental prowess quite well; nothing worth a big wow, but quite good none the less.

Within the instrumental parts of the songs the guitars weave well together with the drums and the tempo, melody and overall feeling go along very nicely. Then comes the disappointment, namely the vocals. There where Children of Bodom have barely understandable vocals, Lower Hell offers nothing. Of course there are singers like Dani Filth, who are entirely un-understandable, but he, on the other hand, has character in his voice, unlike Sven.

The genre lies somewhere around melodic Death Metal and reminds one of Lamb of God. Though Lower Hell has catching up to do in terms of song writing and instrumental skills (as well as vocals of course), they show a lot of potential and I would be very interested to see how well they perform live.

Ozzy Aikas

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