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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Mourning For Tomorrow

Titel / Title Deine Hülle, Deine Haut 
Label 5gegen5000 Records/ Cargo Records  
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits veröffentlicht/ already released 

Friends of broad sound-spectrums, psychedelic, doomy and experimental music with Hardcore-influences, lend me your ears! In case you feel like this might be something for you, you could as well, head over to the band´s MySpace page and check out some tunes, instead of reading the complete review, because you will like it.
Otherwise, you can of course catch some further information (and then jump over to the bandpage) and, if you didn´t feel like this was your cup of tea, get convinced! Mourning For Tomorrow have been founded in 2001 and released a (Demo)EP in 2004, that already got some great reactions.

After lots of experimenting with the sound and playing around with ideas, they finally released "Dein Hülle, deine Haut" in 2009. Much importance is attached to atmosphere and if you like what Cult Of Luna or similar bands do in terms of Vocals and basic feeling, you´ll surely like the stuff here as well. Just like the Sweden MFT also have some kind of gloomy feeling as basis, that goes through the whole album, together with aggressive and also calmer parts. However they don´t stick to the gloomy feeling constantly and thus make the album pretty interesting. You just have to invest some time and really absorb the album completely, then the spheric character of the music will open up to you. I personally was quite amazed, that the German lyrics didn´t disturb me, cause normally I really don´t like the sounds of the language when it comes to music. Actually in the case of MFT I often caught myself recognizing that I didn´t really pay attention anymore and at times even forgot, that they were singing in German. Most probably one of the side effect of this "hypnotizing" effect the sound has.
This aforementioned tension between calmer and more aggressive parts is there throughout the whole album and keeps the listeners on their toes from beginning till end. After some eruptions during the first three songs, the fourth "Inwieweit" starts rather calm with violins and stuff and then slowly builds up more tension and aggression, that gets unleashed with growling vocals, falls back again into calmer melodies etc. - after a while you´ll simply find yourself drifting/swimming in this "stream of feeling".
The vocalist´s voice proves to be just as variable as the music is and is thus rightly called "the fourth instrument" in the promosheet.
All in all a very solid album, that should be checked out by all fans, that are into experimental stuff and those, who are open for new music!

Cornelia Wickel

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