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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Die Aeronauten

Titel / Title Hallo Leidenschaft 
Label Rookie Records 
Total run time
50 min 

After 15 years of creativity, AERONAUTEN can look back on 7 records and several singles and now they are back with new material to display their talent. The 6 Swiss have become older, but not musically, because their new work seems fresh, is full of irony (“and I was laughing when our world was going down forever” on the second track) and rhythms, made for dancing. About 11 years ago I have first heard about DIE AERONAUTEN but unfortunately I lost track of them. With “Hallo Leidenschaft” I think I might follow them again. Here´s the best way to describe this record: A little bit of indie, a little bit of bossa, some country and a lot of AERONAUTEN. There´s something for friends of lingual acrobatics here, too- a song in swiss language.
Bottom line: honest, good and pleasant music from honest, good and pleasant musicians!

Holger Hofmann

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