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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Jon Oliva´s Pain

Titel / Title Festival 
Label AFM Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Who has heard of the no longer existing band "Savatage" will need no further introduction to Jon Oliva - and who has never heard of either, should find out ASAP what was missed here and check out both - especially if you are into solid Power-Prog Metal with heartwarming melodies, bombastic riffs and extremely catchy tunes. This is also a nice way to describe all 10 tracks on this "Festival" CD, and also critical ears will not find one weak track among those Metal-Hymns... which is proved by the fact that this CD entered the German Media Control Charts right after its release. "Lies" is a rather rough Metal opener which also indicates the focus of this album, yet with "Afterglow" (drifting off into a Jazz-realm at one point) "Looking for Nothing" and the outro "Now" you will find calmer tunes / ballads. Here you can also discover Jon Oliva´s vocal diversity which he could have used more often. Although the rough style fits the songs well, it is for me occasionally painful to listen to - perhaps pressing his vocal chords to hard is the true meaning behind "Jon Oliva´s Pain"? And one thing is clear, it´s difficult to surpass those legendary Savatage classics, also "Festival" cannot achieve that. Considering JOP on it´s own as a project, there is however this ingeniuity, qyality and brilliance to continue their way - so therefore we should be looking forward to the follow-ups of this album!
1. Lies
2. Death Rides A Black Horse
3. Festival
4. Afterglow
5. Living On The Edge
6. Looking For Nothing
7. The Evil Within
8. Winter Haven
9. I Fear You
10. Now

Klaudia Weber

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