STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Plague of Ignorance 
Label Salute / Satanica Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Upon receiving “The Plague of Ignorance” I was struck a little funny by the cover artwork. It was an old photograph of dead Union soldiers on the bloody field of Gettysburg. On the inside, Mr. Gill is shown playing a guitar with the Confederate battle flag - a good way to win points with a southern boy such as myself.

Premonition is a one man project consisting of Arjun Gill whom spends time in Canada and Saudi Arabia. There is some really good stuff here, some pretty bad as well. To begin with, the production quality is horrible, which is too bad, it really cheats the music. The actual singing is terrible (and should never be attempted again), but the growled vocals work well with the music. Arjun manages to put together some nice melodies, though a little repetitious sometimes. I think the drum machine may exacerbate this. Overall, the music is fairly good, the tracks that stick out to me the most are “Sorrow” and the bonus track “Blinded By Lies”, a song reminiscent of early 90s black metal, where the crappy production actually works in its favor. Both are very dark.

Overall, it is a decent first effort, though it needs a bit of work and better production.

Lann Davis

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