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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Spinnerette 
Label Anthem Records (USA) / Hassle Records (UK)  
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released  

It happens rarely that I wait for the debut album of a band with that keenly like in the case of Spinnerette. Spinnerette is the new project of Brody Dalle, who was the face of the now split-up band The Distillers and who is by the way the rocker babe of Queens Of The Stone Age frontman Joshua "Josh" Homme.

Already in 2007 there were with "Case Of The Swirls", "Valium Knights" and a medley of different songs some appetizers on the MySpace bandpage. All of them sounded very promising. Surprisingly, neither of the songs made it onto the album I hold in my hands now. By the way, the band had to switch record companies and there were some other circumstances which took some more time than originally planned but now the first Spinnerette record is finally released. Was it worth the long wait?

The album starts with "Ghetto Love". The song is not bad but I like much more the following track "All Babes Are Wolves"... What a catchy song... Jesus Christ! "Rock`n`Roll!" is all I can say about that. It winds down a bit then with "Cupid" but just a little bit. Brody still rocks but this time the chorus is not so powerful and just wouldn´t stick to my brain. But you know what? It`s not that important in this case `cause the notable thing about this woman is her voice: Yes, she can sing in a beautiful way and she can scream powerful, too but she has also the talent to use her vocal chords in such a way that you don´t get annoyed by her voice even if you listen to it for a longer time. Especially for female voices this is rarely the case, I think.

After "Geeking", which also misses some memorability, "Baptized By Fire" follows and this song is truly a catchy tune again. I have read some scathing criticism about "Baptized By Fire”, something along the line "Commercial Rock with Dance touch". But, hey, does music have to be complicated and unwieldy to be good and "true"? If it is so why is no-one complaining about KISS` "I Was Made For Lovin` You"? Whatever! I like it!

A surprise comes with song number 6, "A Spectral Suspension", `cause this is the already mentioned instrumental track "Case Of The Swirls" which is now accompanied by singing. Excellent singing! And so it goes on: "Distorting A Code", "Driving Song", "Rebellious Palpitations", "The Walking Dead", "Impaler", "A Prescription For Mankind"...

Brody`s singing in "Sex Bomb" reminds me of Juliette Lewis and I don`t like it that much. Being a Hollywood actress surely makes it a bit easier to get attention for your own musical endeavours... If Courtney Love would come up with an album like this one she wouldn`t need embarrassing appearances in court anymore and the times would be over in which everyone remembers her to be Kurt Cobain´s widow.

It`s a shame then that the self-titled debut from Spinnerette hasn´t got that much attention yet. Hopefully this situation will change soon. That Misses Homme is not too dogged with the project is visible amongst others in the fact that she doesn´t deny her inspirations: Some songs would fit on a Queens Of The Stone Age album, too. And while we are at it: The artwork of the album cover seems to be a homage to the same band or at least a gag `cause the Queens put a picture of a slip wearing person on the cover of their debut album and so do Spinnerette.

In a competition for the better cover Spinnerette would definitely win the race and even if the long wait was not planned, it was totally worth it. Only "Valium Knights", which was already released on a previous EP, is missing. You just can`t get enough from Spinnerette... Thumbs up!

Stefanie Singh

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