STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

The Blackscreen

Titel / Title Tiny Melodramas 
Label Tap Water Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

The Blackscreen was founded in autumn 2009 and are already releasing their debut album , self-produced by the foursome from Nuremburg. “Tiny Melodramas” is something for Emo-Rock Fans, and I have to admit that I find it too one-dimensional. The vocals do not change at all, no matter if aggressive or happy – it sounds the same all the time and therefore becomes a bit boring. The same issue with the music, there´s not much difference between the songs. Also the cover version, Kylie Minougue’s „Two Hearts“, which has quite seductive lyrics, is done in the same style, just like the other songs. Basically not a bad album, but you simply want more depth, perhaps for the next album The Blackscreen should take more time and try harder to add more depth and emotions to their output.

Sandy Mahrer

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