STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: BOOKS - AUDIO BOOKS


Author Spur in die Tiefe 
Verlag / Publisher Lübbe Audio 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

The radio play series “Schattenreich” (only available in German language), here with part 3, takes us to a strange parallel world with even stranger characters and secret cults, and just like the young cultural scientist Christian Wagner (Alexander Scheer) we wonder, if the whole thing might be just a game, a simulation? I don´t want to give too much away, but the wonderfully laconic protagonist and narrator gets tangled up in a net of mysterious murders and has to face his past, where “Titans” and “Nephilim” were an important issue...

The story is easy to follow even if you don´t know the first two parts, and the music (e.g. Clan Of Xymox, L´Ame Immortelle) puts you into the right mood. It is only a pity that those music tracks are not very long.

Klaudia Weber

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