STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Thorns in Existence 
Label Karisma Records/Dark Essence Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

This band is not to be mixed up with Sulpher (with an „e“) from England. A few years ago, they caused quite a stir in the media with their debut album Spray. But I guess I have to put up with Sulphur (with a “u”) from Norway for now. According to the press release, some fellows have gathered here, who have previously served in bands like Gorgoroth, Aeternus and Enslaved. Not bad! Thorns in Existence is then already the second album of the sulphurous gentlemen.

What you get to hear is, what seems like, the eternal fight between good and evil. Sometimes the evil (in the shape of black metal elements) is in the front, sometimes the good (in the shape of progressive elements like amongst others something like, err, circus sounds?) has gained an advantage. That´s how it, alternatingly, goes throughout the whole album and in the end there´s not really a winner. Even the listener is more or less left a bit confused but that´s probably exactly what the artists were going for. The press release attempts to explain, “an avant-gardish album willing to challenge, thrill and destroy the listener.” Accomplished!

At the end of this unconventional album, however, way more questions, that you would have even dared to ask in the beginning, remain open. One thing is clear, though, people who think Disturbed is Metal should definitely keep their hands off this record.

Kathleen Gransalke

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