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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Detach Me From My Head 
Label Tephramedia 
Total run time
45:45 min. 
Vö/ReleaseOktober 2010 

Feeding Fingers are one of the bands with their own sound and a specific atmosphere. Plaintive, melancholy, with a very clear song-structure in the slow mid-tempo which gets its charm from the almost reduced use of instruments. There is probably proximity to bands like The Cure or Joy Division, but that's not a flaw. Justin Curfman - vocals, guitar, lyrics - is a dedicated artist and goes his own path. Therefore, his music sounds authentic and personal.

With the first tunes we are inside of the Feeding Fingers-cosmos which does not differ much from the previous albums - Wound in Wall (2007) and Baby Teeth (2009). Anything but modern, neither adapted nor really contemporary, but in the spectrum of early 80's: Nostalgic. At the present time where everything has to show development to satisfy the hunger of consuments for this what offers the new, unknown, never before tasted kick, there is also a movement to mention - in wave music as well as in alternative or rock - to let the blood of the ancestors almost unaltered circulating inside of the music business. To these bands belong the Feeding Fingers.

If the first song could be called “Cure-like”, the second song begins almost a bit with a “Police-feeling”, but the party mood goes quickly into the gloom: His lyrics deal with vulnerability, to feel repulsed and outcast. With "My Imagined House" Justin tries to break through his nasal lamenting singing. An octave lower balladesque, lyrical, dark.

It becomes even more exciting in "Vestigal Life," where purist TomTom drums are accompanied by a stringed instrument - perhaps something like a mandolin. "One Year" is a short piano solo, an interlude between the otherwise bass/drums/guitar-presented songs. The Feeding Fingers act as a kind of restrained chamber concert ensemble, despite all sadness always tuneful. Overall, the music seems very British, although the band originates from Georgia, USA. An album heavy like an autmnal rainy day - with a little lack of enlargement a certain limit. Some more innovation could float inside, trying with a small piece of experimental afflatus to break boundaries.

01 – Detach Me From My Head
02 – I Am a Brutal Little Boy
03 – My Imagined House
04 – Asleep on Softened Fists
05 – Vestigial Life
06 – One Year
07 – This World Starves for Lonely Girls
08 – I Promise to Build You a Machine
09 – All of My Prisons
10 – Unfinished Stories
11 – The Stupid Things We Did

Andreas Torneberg

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