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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Beast 
Label Roadrunner 
Total run time

Devildriver unleashed a beast in the truest sense of the word! It´s not only the name of the album, album number five IS a beast!

Like already mentioned, this title is really auguring something: Pure Agression - and that´s what we find on the CD. From the first song on, vocalist Dez Fafara sounds so incredibly pissed, that one would not really like to run into that guy at night in a dark alley. Whatever causes so much aggression, it´s damn successful in doing so and we can only hope, that screaming his lungs out is some kind of therapy – else it might get pretty unhealthy. Hatred, Rage, fat riffs, groove, massive drumsound a pissed vocalist – that´s the recipe of a successful DD album and that´s what we got here.

While I wasn´t quite sure of where to put this album after the first run, I can now clearly say, that it´s a strong album and I´m not quite sure, whether „Beast“ should be rated worse than the predecessor „Pray For Villains“, like some say. Actually this album reveals more and more interesting parts with each listen – Devildriver atypical rhythm patterns, superb guitar solos, and so forth.

It kicks off with the epic „Dead To Rights“- first some heavy drumbeats that become louder and louder, guitars kick in and the beast is unleashed. And baaam, after 30 seconds you already find yourself banging your head. First candidate for their infamous deadly circlepits. The following „Bring The Fight“ and „Hardened“ continue with the aggression unleashed and simply intensify and stir up the whole thing. „Shitlist“ calms down slightly, featuring an atmospheric guitar melody at the beginning, but whoever thought, that this peace lasts for long, was so wrong. Rage doesn´t run anymore, it gallops in this piece. Same goes for „You Make Me Sick“ - just in case you really hate someone and want to show that with one song, take this one and consider it the musical declaration of war. Dez spits out the chorus fiercely and viciously, spreading hate. To quote Dez: „They're all playing their asses off.“ The melodious side shows up in „Black Soul Choir“, but we´re not talking happy happy melodies here, it´s rather a pretty sinister-gloomy black metallic kind and that kind of melodies that should be more present, adding more catchyness to the songs.

All in all, as you might´ve guessed already, this is a strong beast, more modern than it´s predecessor, less Thrash – if you ask me, the level of modernity they reached now is enough.

The Californian quintett once more managed to produce one heavy piece of grooving aggression in the reign of modern American Metal. I think they are one of the few bands, where you can just jump into the store and grab the album without having to check it first. Needless to say, we can look forward to upcoming tours and to hopefully many more albums of this kind. I personally wouldn´t mind if they unleashed some more beasts of that kind! Get one beast for yourself right now!

Cornelia Wickel

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