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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

City Light Thief

Titel / Title Laviin 
Label Midsummer Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like I´m repeating myself, when I´m saying, that there´s yet another good band, who has released an album via Midsummer Records. But hey, it´s not my fault after all, that they´re apt at signing good bands in the niche of Post-Core/HC and the like.
Anyways, here we have the latest release of City Light Thief called „Laviin“. Together with Akela yet another German band and another debut album and again a great one!
This record shows one thing for sure: In times, where more and more music seems to sound too much alike, where beloved music(genres) start to get boring in a way, there simply have to be bands, who start exploring the boundaries of various genres. City Light Thief have made this their business in the niche of Post-Core mixed with Indie, some Noiserock and other influences. Guess this already shows, that Experimental is probably the best stamp you can put on „Laviin“.
„Driftwood“ starts the album with a clear Indie list, clean vocals and soft guitars. In the following „Golden Robots“ they´re slowly becoming more „brave“ in terms of putting more experimental rhythm patterns. Less aggressive than typical Post-Core bands but at times similarly „chaotic“. You got various kinds of vocals floating and flying around, different guitar rhythms and changing moods. After around three songs it´s pretty clear, that this record is a little surprise package and you never know what comes around the corner in the next song. It can be pretty much everything from Pop to Postcore.

It turns out, that City Light Thief tried to collect all the genres that have accumulated in one way or the other along the lines of Post-something, mixed it together and added their own ideas. All in all nothing new some might say now, maybe yes, but that doesn´t change the fact, that „Laviin“ turns out to be a pretty intesting album, that´s growing and worth being checked out.

Cornelia Wickel

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