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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Dead Flesh Fashion

Titel / Title Thorns 
Label Midsummer Records 
Total run time

While the previous CD of Dead Flesh Fashion „Anchors“ was simply sick, crazy, complex, „Thorns“ opens yet another page of the book of variations this band has to offer. „flies!“ flows pertinaciously, dark and evil out of the speakers. The info sheet calls it a „gloomy scenario of black night“, whatever you call the Core/Noise/Doom mix, it´s inexorably rolling over you from the first tunes onwards, a combination of whizzing guitars, guitar walls and a shouter on top of it all. The heavy riffing continues in the following „niagara“ with at times high pitched guitars in the otherwise tuned-down sea of heavy guitars. Before you completely drown in some waterfall or seas, „kissing the neck of inertia“ pulls you out all over sudden with a faster paced song and almost gallopping drums. The frenzy continues from now on with „dancing teeth“ and the more intense, and slowed down „!!!“. Dead Flesh Fashion are clearly gathering way as the album progresses and despite changes in tempo and rhythm this incredibly pertinacious flow remains constant. „where the night goes for orchid“ features more prominent guitar melodies and calmer parts in the second half of the song. However, that was only a short rest before the end of the record slowly comes closer with the titel track „thorns“

All in all the songs on „Thorns“ seem more sophisticated, more energetic and structured, while the constant invidious shouting is loosened up by a dynamic sound, more straight forward parts and groove. Dead Flesh Fashion managed to create a heavier, denser atmosphere on „Thorns“, than they already had on „Anchors“. Great to see, that the expectations that were created with the predecessor could easily be met. Now I´m pretty curious for things to come on the next album, but for now, „Thorns“ will surely rotate quite a lot of times until then.

Cornelia Wickel

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