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Samael | Flowing Tears | Soon

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country Germany 
Datum / Date16 Nov 2004 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Samael 
Photos: Melanie Warnecke 

The first band of the night was called Soon and it was just as its name, not particularly striking and to be honest they didn’t leave a lasting impression either.

This was slightly different with Flowing Tears. At least musically they delivered a good performance. I was quite happy not only the Nigthtwish/Within Temptation like vocals could be heard from vocalist Helen, ‘cos she wasn’t too posh for deep growls.

Samael, which I had heard at last year's Full Force Festival for the first time, kicked off with the promising classic “Rain”. To early on the setlist for my liking, but nevertheless great. Besides, nice light and picture sequences were projected on a screen at the back and that was quite nice as well. Of course, they played a lot of songs of the new album, such as “On Earth”, “Telepath” and “Moongate”, but also old burners like “Baphomet’s Throne”, “Black Trip”, “Shining Kingdom” or – for the final – “My Saviour”, which the fans at present appreciated. Any critics who feel that new album is not as heavy anymore, will have hardly noticed that difference during the live performance. Since the people present moved closer together and the atmosphere was generally quite good, I would assume that I wasn’t the only one who really enjoyed the gig. However, I would nevertheless be delighted, if Samael would manage to get the Markthalle sold out next time!

Melanie Warnecke

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