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Arch Enemy / Leaves Eyes / Mercenary / Sister Sin

Stadt / City Pratteln 
Land / Country CH 
Z 7 
Datum / Date15.12.2008 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery ArchE,LeavesE_2008 
Photos: Sandy Mahrer 

A motley mix of styles- Death to Folk to Melodic to Old School, no idea what the promoter of this tour had in mind. All bands are top acts and appeal to a quite diverse fan base, therefore some are destined to have difficulties.

Sister Sin
The Swedes have achieved a lot already, a big US tour and then this tour with Arch Enemy. Power Girl Liv gives everything, jumps and has masculine hearts jump as well - very Old School. Her jumping causes occasional insights of what´s under her skirt, no wonder that male photographers and fans are delighted and fight for the "front views". Musically this band is top, powerful songs and a female voice beyond the average, very appealing.

Why is this band on this tour, because the Danes Mercenary don´t need to be a 25 min support act any more. And this time is not enough to present their diverse material appropriately, or just to warm up. Those guys are definitely better as main act, still they give everything to the audience, and way too soon it is over. A great band with a great singer.

Leaves Eyes
Out of place is the best description. Again the question why such a top act plays as support. And not only their style makes it difficult, they also have sound problems. Liv Kristine can hardly be heard and seems lost on stage, people scream that it´s just play back and that she should finally leave. Spouse Alex Krull comes for rescue, and together they sing „Solemn Sea“ and „Oceans Way“, and finally the sound quality improves. Some raise their hands, showing that they like Leaves Eyes, and the band tries to ignore the shouts during their show. Incredible that some people just cannot respect that other people might like a band that they don´t like, and just have them perform in peace.

Arch Enemy
Everybody has waited for this band. After the first song Angela is almost knocked out by a huge plush heart thrown on stage, which she comments: "Not quite Metal, but really cute!" Not only on stage her evil growls get the party going, also the crowd explodes, heads are banged, people scream growl like in a trance, and I don´t really want to know what else might be happening... All men stand there open mouthed, drooling... therefore, in order to impress DM guys, you just need a well-build blond lady pretending to be really tough and growls every song pretty similarly, and of course some beer or other beverages - and those guys are simply swept away. Angela and her guys seem to enjoy that and keep on heating up the crowd until the very end.

A quite good evening, with the exception of those scenes during Leave Eyes. There will be always a band at a concert that you don´t really like, still, real primitive yelling is not OK.

Check also our photo gallery, link above!

Sandy Mahrer, transl. K.Weber

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