STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Halls of our Ancient Fathers 
Label unsigned 
Total run time
26 min 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Celtachor, hailing from Dublin, are inspired by Irish mythology and thus, combine traditional Irish instruments with a blend of black, doom and folk metal. The idea as such is really awesome – and I really can´t come up with any other band that mixes tin whistles and bodhrans (Irish frame drum) with blackmetal – however, Celtachor have some difficulties translating that idea to music.

In my opinion, all the different instruments don´t really harmonise with each other. For example, with Rise of Lugh, the tin whistle simply lags behind a little too much. As I said, the single elements don´t really fit to one another. The same is true also for the vocals, which I find unsuitable. Those spoken growls sound totally out of place. Of course, it´s widely known that in blackmetal it´s not necessary to have a good voice but at least there should be something about the vocals that make it special.

So, dear Celtachor, I hope you´re not angry with me now: the idea is just great but there´s still room for improvement when taking the idea to musical reality. Don´t give up and keep on fine-tuning your sound. Maybe it´s simply not my taste of music but with the CD cover you´re already on the right track.

Sandy Mahrer

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