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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

The Satellite Year

Titel / Title Mission: Polarlights 
Label Midsummer Records/ Cargo Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Ok, right away, before somebody starts screaming or complaining half way through the article: The Satellite Year DON´T play Metal! How come then, that they get a place in the review section? Well, even though, they play a, at times pretty poppy, mix of Pop, Post, Alternative, Electro and some really Melodic Punk, the whole thing is pretty rocky and alternative in the end – some might simply tag it with Emocore, but to be honest, this label doesn´t quite fit. Apart from that, it´s never wrong to have a look what´s beyond one´s own nose, isn´t it?
That being said, I hope that some of you are still reading! „Mission : Polarlights“ is the debut album of the band, but it already sounds, as if they haven´t been doing anything for quite a few years. Perfect production – recorded in Italy actually – and that shows, that the band seems to have quite a lot of self confidence and is 100% sure, that it´s quality material they´re writing. Why else should you save up enough money, to already produce your debut out of your homecountry (they live in the Saarland – Southwest Germany). The interesting thing about this CD is, that it has the catchyness of some uberly hyped pop bands, while at the same time it doesn´t sound like regular Pop music, thanks to the aforementioned mix of various styles and their ability to mix various emotions into one single song. This is music, that´s suitable for the Radio, but is at the same time varied enough to not bore listeners, who normally avoid Radio. However, only one songs crosses the 4 minutes mark and songs like „Girls Go Movie“ are so damn catchy, that it´s almost annoying. When you reached the second part of the CD it seems as if the tide has turned though. The songs have another atmosphere now, still catchy, but different. Another positive thing is the vocalist, who clearly has international format. That´s a voice that other bands of that genre can only dream of.
I urge you to accept this challenge and give this CD a try! In case you´re familiar with bands like Last Days of April and Co. and like to listen to them, you should give The Satellite Year a chance. High quality debut!

Cornelia Wickel

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