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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Charing Cross

Titel / Title Promo EP for Upcoming Album “Sinspiration” 
Label Metal Heaven 
Total run time
13 min 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Actually, we don´t do reviews about promo EPs but with our Fresh Acts we gladly make an exception to that rule. Charing Cross were one of those Fresh Acts in March 2008. What followed was a deal with Metal Heaven and their first album We Are… Charing Cross. Now, the Swiss work hard on their second album, which is supposed to be titled Sinspiration. On that EP, which is available directly from the band, the listener gets a little foretaste of the upcoming album and the songs are really ´good old Charing Cross´ like we know and love them: Peter Hochuelis unmistakable voice plus Pascal Zwyssig´s and Andy Dormann´s crazy guitar riffing. The songs Twilight Zone and Handful of Pain are typical Charing Cross songs, however, maybe they are a bit too typical. I would have wished for a bit more variation and willingness to take risks. The third and last song H8 is a great, slow song with pretty harsh lyrics. Maybe it´s best if you listen to the songs yourselves. You can do this here:
In any case, you can already look forward to a new, awesome album by Charing Cross, which will contain lots of kick ass rocknroll once again.

Sandy Mahrer

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