STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Silver Shell Club 
Label Rising Records / Cargo  
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Well, well, those rockers! What in the beginning looked like a hype and a desperate search for a new rock/alternative movement, is now spitting out really good bands over and over again. And I´m not only referring to bands like A PERFECT CIRCLE, but also to a bit more ordinary versions of the formula. Enter FROWSER. Despite using many clichés on their latest album The Silver Shell Club and all too typical Scandinavian influences, the band presents itself refreshingly variable. They are working with fast beats and pacey passages like for example on the track Saturday. All in all, the guys created a really tight atmosphere, which may not be cosmic enough for some. FROWSER make genuine Alternative Rock, miles away from commercial mega bands, but also much more awesome than the multitudes of garage bands.

Markus Seibel, transl. Tatjana Ziegler

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