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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Work of Art

Titel / Title In Progress 
Label Frontiers Records 
Total run time
57 min 

From the first note till the last, Work of Art live up to their promises. Terrific melodies and heavenly hooklines run through the whole album. The harmony between the vocal lines and the music couldn´t be any better. I am not really sure, however, whether the band should be put in the Melodic Rock section because a few songs do sound quite pop-y. Like for example “Once Again”

Generally, the songs are more on the quieter side but this also accounts for the harmony between music and vocals. Singer Lars Säfsund has a rather soft voice but he commands his vocal cords perfectly and knows how to use his ´instrument´ best. Once in a while, he also takes on a little bit harsher tones like for example with “Never Love Again”. Myself, I am not a big fan of high male voices but with Lars it is little different because his really pleasant voice exhibits lots of versatility.

“In Progress” is the second record of the Swedes and the follow-up to their debut titled “Artwork”. Recommended songs are “Until you Believe” and “Castaway”, they have, at least for my taste, that certain something. And for all the “Emilies” out there, on this album there´s a song dedicated just to you. “In Progress” is certainly a worthy successor and every melodic rock fan should check it out.

Sandy Mahrer

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