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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Scene D` Chryme

Titel / Title Blackout 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Admittedly, after I had discovered Santa Cruz one and a half years ago, hardly any other Finnish newcomer band from the Sleaze / Hard Rock genre could spark my interest seriously, not to mention in the long term. Santa Cruz simply have it all while other bands mostly lack in a certain something. But now there are five Finns, who seem to have appeared from nowhere to shake up the aforementioned scene: Scene D` Chryme! What sounds like a gangster band that raps and jumps around burning trash cans, is in fact Sleaze Rock at its best. More or less even with a seal of quality as none other than Lisbeth Hellman herself, mother of Crashdïet`s first singer, the late Dave Lepard and organiser of his memorial festival "Rest In Sleaze", has chosen Scene D` Chryme to be the first and so far only Finnish act to perform at the legendary festival in Sweden`s capital Stockholm.

And that`s not the only reason why the first line-up of Crashdïet is worth mentioning at this point: The riot attitude with which Lepard & co. revived the almost dead Sleaze scene in 2005 is something the quintet involving frontman Wekkie Hart can come up with, too. The already well-known "Taste For Tension" as a great opener is just the beginning but shows right away that Scene D` Chryme are about "Sleaze Rock straight to your face" and not about the perfect hairstyle and designer clothes as you might get the impression every now and then when looking at the current, third line-up of Crashdïet. Track 2, "Recoil", even tops the opener, with a chorus that is apparently inspired by Bret Michaels` "Go That Far". The theme song of the Poison frontman`s reality show "Rock Of Love" is already a cool composition - but there is simply "more" in the version of Scene D` Chryme: More power, more drive, more energy...

In the middle of the 5-track EP awaits us the ballad "Tame Me A Nightmare". No Hard Rock record without a ballad, right? Well, I`m not known as a fan of ballads but as long as they are not tearjerkers, smoother compositions can be nice, too - and "Tame Me A Nightmare" is a very nice one! The following "Junkyard Dog" seems to be another ballad at first - until the guys start to scream. And before you can say knife, you are raising your fist again, screaming along: "Woo Hoo!" It`s almost impossible to pick out one song that you can call your favourite one on "Blackout" but those who really are into "balls to the wall" tunes, might favour the final title track as this one is a bit harder than the rest of the tracklist.

Conclusion: From the structure of the songs, which are not bog-standard and thus exciting, to the clean production (thanks to no-one less than ex Lordi drummer Sampsa Astala) to the backing vocals, everything is just perfect! Even the packaging with the high-gloss CD sleeve but, fortunately, the music of the guys from Helsinki has nothing to do with polished high-gloss rock. They sound as authentic as many of the current "fashion bands" of the Sleaze Rock scene would love to sound like. And maybe they even sound like the way Crashdïet would do nowadays if Dave Lepard was still alive...

Stefanie Singh

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