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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Reckless Love

Titel / Title Animal Attraction  
Label Universal Music  
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

In the year of 2010, Reckless Love were the number 2 on the list of my absolute favourite bands. Then, in spring 2011, the first confusion occurred: "Hot", the first single of "Animal Attraction", was released. A pop song (!!) with a guitar solo in the middle. Musically, the perfect soundtrack for a TV commercial for "Wall`s" ice-cream. Only another new song called "Young And Crazy", which was circulating in the web, kept the hope alive that not everything is lost in terms of Reckless Love.

Well, in the end, the song didn´t make it onto the record I hold in my hands now but it doesn`t matter as the opener and title track "Animal Attraction", which has become the second single release, is even a bit rockier. However, even if you listen to the track repeatedly, it simply doesn´t want to stick in your mind. Song number 2, "Speedin`", continues that way. Here they are back - our quartet from Kuopio, as we know and love them! And it`s getting better: "Born To Break Your Heart" - Reckless Love at their best. The catchy song invites you to sing along but the guitars in it rock anyway. In the fourth position, we have to deal with "Hot"... let`s just skip that song and move on.

Oh, if it would only be that easy! Skipping once is not enough. There isn´t much more that blows my mind. "Fantasy" is the ballad of the album and "Fight" is a bit harder, something like the "badass" of this second opus. "Switchblade Babe" and "On The Radio" are very unspectacular compositions, and "Coconuts" is even absolutely superfluous. There is only one interesting moment in between, called "Dirty Dreams", which goes a bit more into the Dance direction and puts a big grin on my face. Why? The guys did it again and got "inspired" by a classic. This time, the "inspiration" comes from the Cutting Crew and their 80s hit "(I Just) Died In Your Arms tonight". Already for their debut, Olli and co were cosily ´touched by many familiar muses´.

The lyrics are ´very special´, too. Ok, Reckless Love are cheesy and that`s what we love them for - but on "Animal Attraction" it`s simply too much: "She`s plastic, she`s fantastic", "She taught me the ballet in bed"... We don`t want to know it that detailed. Also, many of the songs are too obviously conceived as stadium anthems. Whether stadium rock or stadium pop, that`s open to dispute. In any case, "Animal Attraction" doesn`t have that much from the debut`s recklessness - and that`s a pity.

What did the band itself say about their new sound? Find out by clicking here.

Stefanie Singh

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