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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Carved Into Stone 
Label SPV 
Total run time
Vö/Release20 April 2012 

In these new days we don´t just see new bands rise from nothing, but older, almost discarded rockers sometimes dust off their gear and go off to make new records. Sadly, more often than not, this amounts to nothing more than reminiscing about glory days. Prong, however, decided to make something old, something new, borrowed something and came up with a good album, Carved Into Stone.

After riding the NuMetal wave to its end, Prong made a turn to truer Metal. All of the songs work well and they offer the listener a fair amount of full-blown metal, which gets ones head nodding quite soon. The problem is, that there is a definite lack of originality. Take American riffs and beats along with an industrial metal-type vocalist and you have Prong´s newest album.

It seems that a big part of music reviews these days centralise along the lines of comparing the music to other artists and their productions. The reason for this is the obvious fact that there has been so much music done that the new musicians take the heavy baggage of influences with them into the recording studio. Short and sweet said the album is definitely good, but nothing new. A further minus is the difficulty of differentiating the songs from one another.

Ozzy Aikas

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