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Satellite Beaver

Titel / Title The Last Bow (EP) 
Total run time
18:06 min. 
Vö/Release10 Mai 2012 

This burns. Not only in Scandinavia or UK you can fry eggs on electric guitars, this is possible beyond the Iron Curtain, too. Oh sorry, the wall is dismantled. Nevertheless, little comes from the old Poland into the international outside. The International prefers to come to Poland, there to shovel the coals. But characterizing the land of beer, vodka and beautiful women there should be add one more attribute: hot music. Satellite Beaver from Warsaw certainly keeps the heater switched on.

Kyuss was already awesome, but the grunge has risen through the years a level further, and also the Polish beaver have calibrated their satellite: Satellite Beaver pulls spicy stoner rock in combination with a vocal Marilyn Manson morbidity and rough to fat adjusted sound through the forest. On the one hand, it reminds to the traditional cranked amplifiers, which were carried out of the garage into the desert, on the other hand, it has urban sharpness and definitely left by an exciting song structure the 90s behind.

Since we don´t know those guys very well, let´s ask them a few questions.

When did you meet and founded your band?
Satellite Beaver was founded in 2008 by old friends, Simon (vocals, guitar) and Tom (guitar). Both strongly fascinated in dirty rock noises, they decided to come up with a band and this is how the story has begun. I (Robert "Mad The Beaver" ) joined the beavers in the first quarter of 2009 and we started to arrange new material together. The result was a second demo tape, but we all wanted to go further and further… and can’t stop since then, but despite the new material, we also search for new bass player. Ideal candidate should walk barefoot, have long, blonde hair, beard and name Scott. Do you know any?
And who writes the music and lyrics?
We arrange the music altogether. It starts mostly from the riffs, jams and then we talk over the fundamental structure of a song. Then, we work over details and lyrics. Almost all words are written by Simon a.k.a. ‘Sir Talk-A-Lot’. He has absolute freedom about topic he decide to take, which will end with some dirty joke sooner or later, I suppose. We interfere a bit only in the way he want to sing the song, it’s melody, as it have to match collective vision of particular song.
The EP processed older material, but you work at a full-length album - what will be the difference between the older songs from the forthcoming?
Well, if you look back to our beginnings, you will easily spot that we’ve made a straight way from grunge-inspired rock, through standard stoner vibes in the vein of Kyuss or Orange Goblin, to much heavier sounds, oscillating around Melvins, Bongzilla, Bongripper and all those gloomy, doomy trips. That’s the main difference between material on EP (reflecting ‘the 2nd stage of our band’s evolution’) and the one in progress, which is going to be released as our debut album. We slowed down, tuned down and grown beards. It’s a natural next step for stoner band, right? (laugh). The only thing in our approach to music, which remains still, is that we’re very impatient. 10 minute tripping to one riff? Naaah, it’s definitely not for us, ‘cause we prefer if there’s a lot of things happening every song.
How far is the work progressed on the new album - is there already a forecast when a release can be expected?
For now, almost half of the material is ready, but it takes time to take it further. We plan to finish all new songs and enter the studio at December 2012 / January 2013. People will probably hear some of them in meantime.
There are beaver in Poland, known as a hard-working lumberjacks, who build underwater apartments. In English the beaver has also a biological nature, but - so to speak - lives in the undergrowth of ladies. What did you have under observation, when you chose this band name?
None of those, even if observing beavers from satellite sounds like fun in very pervy way (laugh). Band name was made by an accident, but sticked to us strong enough to make everyone on local stoner rock scene call us ‘the beavers’. It doesn’t change the fact, we’re not very attached to it. In 2008 or 2009 it reflected our music, stage image and personalities, but now it’s relation to our music weakens, so don’t be surprised if we decide to change the name. We’re aware of this whole band-branding thing of course, but since the beginning we always wanted to feel comfortable and consistent as a band.
…I was thinking about changing it to Cosmic Love Association.
Simple question: Who are the three hottest bands in the world?
Tom: Sleep, Bongzilla, Weedeater
Simon: Alice in Chains, TAD, Electric Wizard
Mad: Melvins, Clutch, Monster Magnet
And what three words would you use to describe Warsaw, if aliens from Mars ask for it?
SEE YOU THERE … or ask the guys from Mars Red Sky - they were here two times already and it seems that words ‚Mars‘ and ‚Warsaw‘ match quite good. The city is hard to love, but definitely worth the feeling, especially on historical, cultural and ethnical ground.

In the 4 track EP "The Last Bow" miraculously, you can listen here:

Andreas Torneberg

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