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Lacrimosa / Eisblume / Infection

Stadt / City Hamburg 
Land / Country GER 
Große Freiheit 36 
Datum / Date18.09.2009 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Lacrimosa_2009 
Photos: Andreas Torneberg 

From the beginning on during the whole final concert of the big „Sehnsucht“-world tour of Lacrimosa it was remarkable, how great the team worked together, without having lost their spontaneity and freshness. The guitarist used his bottle of beer to squeeze some bizarre sounds out of the strings, and at the end Tilo Wolff lost some honest teardrops about his own intensity – the band offered experienced professionalism together with emotional joy of playing, and yes: it was intensively and thrilling.

More photos in the gallery, link above!
Before the master together or alternately with Anne Nurmi attacked the audience with his vocal arts, pretty early at 6 p.m. the local Hamburg support band Infection started to rock the hall; for most of the guests rather unknown. Because of this the notorious sceptical audience from Hamburg stood at the bars around and awaited the roaring metal storm on stage in front of them.

More photos in the gallery, link above!
After this expressive, but for most of the Lacrimosa guests probably too strong and too metal show, the Lacrimosa-guestband, which accompanied the whole tour, was at the start: Eisblume from Berlin with frontnymph Ria in tight latexpants and some more charms, nevertheless her voice seems to come rather from trendy commercial areas. The change of powerful rock and dreamy ballads – and, of course, the success in TV and media - attracted more people to go in front of the stage. The boys around their singer gave acoustically a solid, visually dedicated food, but depth and basic vibrations they left to their following headliner.

More photos in the gallery, link above!
It began with a surprise, because when the band started to play, not a real Tilo Wolff appeared, but only his appearance on a TV-screen in the middle of the stage. After some impish moments of astonishment the TV got carried away and the master of theatrical vocal-poses entered the stage; and the hall was immediately full. Who still stood back at the bars probably belonged to the devotees of the silent romantic ballads, which famously enrich the changing facets of the musical soulproject. But the focus was on the rocking parts, which already have made clear with the last album “Sehnsucht” that Tilo now loves it a bit harder. Obviously he offered an especially excited performance presenting his new works, but the fans of the old classics or expected songs got what they were waiting for, too. He had some relaxation, while his partner Anne Nurmi took for a couple of songs the place at the microphone. The encore nearly didn’t found an end. By Hamburg circumstances, the audience celebrated very enthusiastically, and at the very end Tilo invited for a personal meeting to a club after the concert, not simply to disappear, but to enjoy the final end of the tour together with the fans. Concluding this was a very impressive show and a great tour-finale of musicians, who own a lot of emotions and talent and are able to share it and to let their guests having a splendid time.

Andreas Torneberg

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