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Callisto / Crib45 / Radar

Stadt / City Helsinki 
Land / Country FIN 
Datum / Date19.09.2009 
Bildergalerie / Picture gallery Callisto,Crib45,Radar_2009 
Photos: Klaudia Weber 

An evening filled with Finnish melancholy and progressive-atmospheric sounds - must be the perfect fit for the autumnal season.

Had never heard of Radar before, but those guys made it immediately on my "bands to keep an eye&ear on" list. Casually spoken, that band sounds like a combination of Swallow The Sun and Muse, with a dose of Prog and rough Metal. Plus a singer who masters growls as well as clean vocals. And they have enough confidence to perform some instrumental tracks (from their debut album Remorad) in their live setlist. This quintet doesnīt play live that often, even had a 2-year hiatus. Hopefully thatīs going to change...

Crib45 presented themselves once again without a "front man", that means all three (!) guitar players and the bassist are positioned in a row, nobody is claiming the whole attention; behind those two Keyboards/Synths and the drums. Mastermind Teemu - this time with Fedora - had dragged himself on stage despite a flue, but I doubt that anybody noticed - only once he struggled with a coughing fit in the middle of a clean vocal part. As expected, the song material focused on their debut CD Metamorphosis, this time a multi talented crew also provided live-flute and clarinet. Definitely one of the reasons for emotional impact on the audience, besides awsome songs like The Ghosts Among Me. Not only Teemu managed clean and grow vocal style nicely, but still the unique voice of Lars Eikind (Before The Dawn, guest vocalist on the CD) cannob e easily replaced live ...

Callisto from Turku stood out visually because of this tree-backdrop (the cover motive of the recent Providence CD), light effects and unusual positioning of musicians: drummer "hidden" left below, but the percussion guy on a pedestal in the very back - therefore the 7th member sometimes appeared to be gigantic and like a mere projection due to the lighting. Kudos to the sound crew here, you could clearly hear rain stick and other percussion instruments, without diminishing the sound of the band as such. The relatively new singer Jani Ala-Hukkala expressed his vocal and emotional range, supported by the bandīs ex-singer Markus Myllykangas, who has picked up the guitar instead. Well, for my part the Callisto Sound is a bit too proggy and has too much of Radiohead, still this combination of mystic-elegiac-weird music and visual effects created an incredibly hypnotic atmosphere. Everybody appeared to be drawn to stage, even the bar area emptied (or like me, they tried to find out if the percussionist was "real" or a projection). Summing up, an enjoyable evening, not only for Prog-fans.

Also check the photo gallery, link above!

Klaudia Weber

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