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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Death is Coming 
Label Distribution TPL Records (Scandinavia) 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

„Death is coming“ is the third album of the Swedes Helltrain. Formed in 2002, their debut album “Route 666” was released by Nuclear Blast in 2004. After another record hitting the stores in 2008, they are now, four years later, back in business. Interestingly, the band offers their new record as a Free Download on their website, those who want to support the band can donate a penny or two. An interesting strategy, I just wonder whether it will really pay off for the band?!

Music-wise, “Death is coming” offers ten powerful tracks. Helltrain themselves describe their sound as “Punk Ass Roth´n´Roll” and I must say that this fits pretty well. The first song, “Juggernaut”, makes for a tough start into the album - it is good but still, the way singer Pierre Törnkvist is using his organ sounds a little bit ´tormented´ and the same happens here and there with “Beat by Beat”, too. Luckily, all this changes with the second song, the title track “Death is coming”. Cool guitars riffs and some to-the-point dirty vocals make this and the following track “Mr. Cooger” one of the highlights of the record.

The music of Helltrain is indeed very versatile, for example there´s an interesting piano solo with “The Killer Come” – it´s just one of those things you wouldn´t expect the guys to try out. “Death is Coming” should offer something for everybody. The songs are melodious and have a great groove. Their music is awesome and a real listening pleasure, also vocally, with a few exeptions as mentioned. Hence, this CD would definitely be worth its money, if it would cost something!

Sandy Mahrer

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