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V.A. - The Finest Noise

Titel / Title Der Sampler Vol. 27  
Label FinestNoiseReleases 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

For about 15 years, the label Finest Noise release their label-own sampler. The original idea behind it was to introduce you to a few more unknown bands from the infamous “bluNoise-Mailorder”. But this Mailorder was discontinued a couple of years ago and that´s because almost nobody bought records anymore. Well, I don´t know about you but I still buy my records on vinyl because I want to get something special from a band. From sampler no.4 on, the “bluNoise-Mailorder-Sampler” became “The Finest Noise -- der Sampler”. And the special thing is, that it is not a usual label compilation because almost all artists, who want it, can get on this record. Except the music is too horrible and ´beyond remedy´ even with modern technology or if the topics are politically arguable or exhibit hostile attitudes towards women, homosexuals or minorities.

Now FinestNoise released sampler no. 27 featuring 20 different bands, delivering their very best, in various musical styles. The record kicks off with Black Tequila and their “Suicide Plan”, a classy, groovy number that is just perfect to get the record going. That ´s how it continues until song number seven “Du wirst vermisst” by Memo, which is a soft, sad song with beautiful guitar sounds and with the even softer voice of Sylvia Hochscheid. Of course, there are a few more German-language tracks on the sampler. But, surprisingly, there are only two songs with female singers. Among the 20 bands presented on the sampler is also the rock band Sadd with their song “Forgive Me” -- not a bad piece at all. Songs 9 to 11 are not really my kind of taste. But I do like “Put Out My Flames” from Improved Gods because it´s a lot faster. The same is true for Mind of the Geap´s “Chicago”. The rest of the songs are a matter of taste except track 19, “Let you go”, by Ride The Snail, which is a really nice piece.

I guess on a sampler with 20 songs, there should be at least one that you like. I think the concept, as a unknown or new band to send in a song and get it through a like-it-or-not-procedure for a chance to make it onto this sampler, is quite a nice thing. Well, those who are now curious and want to get their hands on this record are advised to send a stamped addressed envelope to either the bands themselves or FinestNoise.

1. Black Tequila / Suicide Plan
2. Bomb Whateva / Deliver
3. Encypher / Eyes Of A Storm
4. Astray / Hope And Pain
5. Storm of Pain / Skyscrapers
6. An Assfull of Love / Prepare For Loveshock
7. Memo / Du wirst vermisst
8. Sadd / Forgive Me
9. The Avayou / Questions
10. Pressure / Wunderland
11. Jake & The Convolution / You`re Gone
12. Improved Gods / Put Out My Flames
13. Mind The Gaep / Chicago
14. Glows / Short Cup Meeting
15. Neoton / Liebes Lied
16. Radio Moskau / Flügellahm
17. Big Eden / What Do You Waiting For
18. Gummo / Arm The Homeless
19. Ride The Snail / Let You Go
20. We Walk Alone / 8 P.M

Sandy Mahrer

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