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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title DICTATOR´S EMPIRE~Code of D leading to a past~  
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits veröffentlicht/already released 

Revine are an uprising Visual Kei Rock Band from Osaka, Japan, we also present as Fresh Act November, who have recently released their 4-track EP. As Visual Kei bands focus on styling, also Revine display a lot of ideas here. Musically the band relies on catchy tunes, like in their first song “Departure”. What follows sounds a bit more chaotic. I have to admit that I am not so familiar wich the Japanese music scene, but Japanese Metal with Growls is something I haven´t heard before. After the Electronic „Influence Humanoid“ with spoken parts, „Dictator’s Humanoid“ seems pure chaos with a lot of changes in vocal style and music, a bit too much for me. The basic structure is good and also the vocal lines, but it just goes over the top. The final song presents more influences from traditional Japanese music, less chaotic and good vocals. I´d say when Revine rather stick with the style of „Departure“ and „Dearless“, their music had a lot of appeal. Let´s see what happens.


2.Influence humanoid
4.Dearless Chain of memories

Sandy Mahrer

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