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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Feinde deiner Feinde 
Label Rookies & Kings 
Total run time
61:29 / 79:00  
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released  

Two years ago they released their last studio CD "Gegengift" and since then the 4 guys from Brixen, Southern Tyrol, Italy, have evolved into a band with a strong fan base, which simply resulted from their close contact with fans and their constant efforts. Now the new album "Feinde deiner Feinde" is released to the public.

The opener "Wir reiten in den Untergang" has a melancholic mood, Philipp´s sound heavy and gloomy. Yet after a minute the song turns around completely, takes off and convinces with nice melodies and meaningful lyrics, delivered in Phillipp´s usual way. The highlight is the chorus which might work its adrenaline magic in the upcoming arena tour. A great opener! The following "Wer nichts weiß, wird alles glauben" keeps the energy level high and offers nice lyrics too.

"Zwischen Trauer, Liebe und Schmerz" has a great drive, integrating the brass section in a danceable variation. By the way, brass and Ska influences can be found frequently on this album (Mach dich auf). Also in the extremely catchy "Wer weniger schläft ist länger wach" which might be the biggest party hit of this record, featuring a Frei.Wild untypical 4/4 beat. Unusual, but it works. Courageous!

"Nur Dumme sagen ja und Amen" presents once again the issues the band strongly opposes against; on this song and also on "Wir gehen wie Bomben auf euch nieder" a solo by Ex-Böhse Onkelz guitarrist Matt "Gonzo" Roehr can be heard. The latter mentioned might be the dirtiest song of the CD, because Philipp openly releases frustration towards German Punkrockers "Die Ärzte" and "Broilers", who had been pretty unfriendly towards Frei.Wild. The song has Punk attitude and could be compared with the Onkelz classic "Ihr sollt den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben".

Frei.Wild naturally offer some calmer songs too, as always. Yet this time there are more than ever and those songs seem more mature. "Aus Traum wird Wirklichkeit" describes the emotions becoming a dad; because of the great instrumentation and violins it could even be called epic. Similarly "Unendliches Leben", this power ballad had been announced as best Frei.Wild Song ever – and it lives up to those expectations, Frei.Wild sound as mature as ever, it´s magic. Both songs were produced by Henning Verlage (Unheilig) who put much effort into detail, although the production as such sounds much smoother here.

Summary: Frei.Wild give a professional and mature impression with "Feinde deiner Feinde", an album with variety and a good production, among the best in the genre German language Rock. The arrangements have matured too, you can feel that they had more time for this album, that´s the advantage of having your own studio. Lyric-wise they have evolved too, Frei.Wild stick out in the German language Rock scene. I can recommend this album which has 21 Songs + DVD (the limited edition) which costs below 20€, therefore even genre newbees can risk to check it out. Now it´s up to the band to prove that those songs work nicely also live on the upcoming arena tour.

The editor: As is very much opposing Nazi ideology, we want to point at video statement of singer Philipp Burger (in German):

Tracklist (Limited Edition):
01 Wir reiten in den Untergang
02 Wer nichts weiss, wird alles glauben
03 Feinde deiner Feinde
04 Zwischen Trauer, Liebe und Schmerz
05 Aus Traum wird Wirklichkeit
06 Wer weniger schläft, ist länger wach
07 Nur Dumme sagen ja und Amen
08 Der Staat vergibt, dein Gewissen nicht
09 Mach dich auf
10 Vorne liegt der Horizont
11 Wir gehen wie Bomben auf euch nieder
12 Zieh mit den Göttern
13 Oft bekriegt, nie besiegt
14 Gutmenschen und Moralapostel
15 Wir gegen alle
16 Unendliches Leben
17 Nennt es Zufall, nennt es Plan
18 Steine deiner Mauer
19 Hier geboren und doch verloren
20 Ebbe und Flut
21 Krieger des Lichts

Guido Wegener, transl. K.Weber

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