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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Wait 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

To give this album justice, it was clear that this would need a few spins before there could be anything to be said about it. Which apparently turned out to be true: only after a few spins the album started open up more, because The Wait is so full of little nuances and hooks that it takes a few listening sessions to really start noticing them all. It is vey clear that this is an album that you need to listen thoroughly with concentration or you´ll miss a lot of crucial elements that are buried underneath the surface. The Wait is not your typical Saturday night easy listening party album, it is whole lot more, which is a very good thing.

The Wait is the complex second album from Turku based art rockers Nauticus who combine elements from many different directions, from progressive and experimental alternative genres like post-metal to bands like Tool, Katatonia and Opeth. Tool is the first comparison that comes to mind as Constructing the Liquid Plains starts the album with very Toolish manners. Even though you can definitely find many elements resembling the almighty Tool, Opeth and now late ISIS, there are still more than enough elements of their own to make it all clearly their own thing instead of being a carbon copy of any of these bands. The flow is good and Nauticus avoids the common typical traps of using the worn clichéd riffs of contemporary metal and progressive bands. By the time of the second track "Ascend", Nauticus takes the album to their own territory where they manage to drop some of their influences and focus on their own strengths where it mostly wanders through out the rest of the album with a brief visits back to Toolish manners of A Delayed End and As Barriers Fall, with slightly ISIS-esque melodic patterns of Bone Dams, before the epic instrumental closure Kalmisto. The song structures seems deliberate and seamless with natural flow and good musicianship. After you have given it some time to open up and sink in, it is very obvious that Nauticus has delivered something from the deepest parts of their souls that is very well written, executed and produced and also brings a fresh unique breeze of air to contemporary progressive alternative music. All that is left to do is to hope that both Nauticus and The Wait get the attention that they deserve.

Gary Giggle, transl. K.Weber

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