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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Pink Cream 69

Titel / Title Ceremonial 
Label Frontiers Records 
Total run time

Six years after their last studio record, the German band Pink Cream 69 are back with „Ceremonial“. This time, they took their time to let the record mature and the long waiting was worth it. Already the opener track “Land of Confusion” shows the band at their best. Singer David Readman sounds confident as always on records, and from the beginning till the end, the band pull out one tricky guitar riff after another. After almost 30 years of band history, almost 20 with Readman, the band members harmonise with each other better and better. “Ceremonial” is also the first record with drummer Chris Schmidt, who replaced Kosta Zafirou, who left the band in 2012. Although, the new record maybe doesn´t contain any surprises one gets what one expects from the band: Good, solid Hard Rock songs that create a nice and well-fitted unit. When it comes to sound, most songs are quite similar to one another and one would probably get a bit bored if there wasn´t been, right in the middle of the album, the perfectly placed “Big Machine”, which changes tack right away with a lot of power and awesome guitar solos. All in all, a harmonious record that shouldn´t disappoint the fans.

Sandy Mahrer

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