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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

The Boatsmen

Titel / Title The Boatsmen 
Label Zorch Productions 
Total run time

With their eponymous debut, The Boatsmen from Örebro/Sweden enter the rock ´n roll and punk rock scenes of this planet and, indeed, leave a very lasting impression. The Punk´n Roll the four Swedes created sounds like passed out nights and devastated living rooms. Some time ago, the Ramones must have fucked Turbonegro and the Beach Boys were watching... et voila! The Boatsmen are born.

The record kicks off with "I do not know your name," a smasher that raises the bar pretty high already from the very beginning. With 2-3 minutes playing time, the tracks of the album are, in true punk tradition, rather short. The album continues with "I got no time for you" and "black box" – even though both songs provide no big surprises they don´t lose out so much against the opener either. I like the guitar work on "black box". With "Saturday Night" follows the first highlight of the album. For this song, the band also shot a very witty video, watchable on their website. The production is pretty good - it all sounds very harmonious, earthy and well-integrated. But is this really punk rock? And, it´s obvious that The Boatsmen really know how to play their instruments.

The band plays most titles at full speed and this, sadly, decreases somewhat the recognition value of the single tracks. Besides that, I miss a few unexpected twists and turns – without those surprises, everything The Boatsmen have to offer is fun punk galore. The record finishes off with “I´ve had enough", the super-fast and very short "I cum almost" - here the title says it all – a rather dispensable "make it hard" and, finally, my personal favourite track "From behind", featuring a great singalong chorus. All in all, I can recommend this album strongly.

Björn Schmiterlöw

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