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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Dobrodošli na okean 
Label Monlee Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

So I received a review request... Great... I decided to give it a try nonetheless and didn´t really expect what I got to hear. I have to admit, the lesson learned here was that never to judge a book by its cover, since it might come back to bite your ass. I also have to admit, I´m sold, stunned and blown away by this Serbian trio. The energy is undeniable and you can really hear how Repetitor is pounding their instruments with sheer passion that is evident on levels that raises pure admiration. When it comes to music, imagine noiserock, garagerock and grunge combined, together with an attitude that convinces even deaf listeners. The band name is actually very apt, since a lot of Repetitor´s music is heavily based on repetition. That and heavy grooves, compact songs, take no bullshit attitude and truckloads of passion.

Dobrodošli na okean starts with the massive groove of Devojke idu u Minhen that paves the mood for what´s coming, so if you are looking for the next Bon Jovi, this is the wrong band. The sound of Dobrodošli na okean is exactly what it should be: dirty, powerful and intense, just like the music itself. Instruments, along with singers, might be out of tune, but then again it is the crucial element on what comes to the mood and credibility of the music. If this album would have been produced like the usual modern soulless rock band and made with sterile sounds, perfect pitches and timings, a huge part of the savor would vanish. Biću bolji and Šteta continues on the path that was laid before them on the first track and the single track U pravom trenutku shines as the evident highlight of an already outstanding album, ending the track with a drum/bass collaboration that reminds me of the powerful groove of almighty Rage Against The Machine. Dostupni i laki, Lica and Oktobarski salon keeps hitting on the listener with a power similar to tidal waves and Laka zabava brings the album to a closure it deserves, with unusually prolonged onslaught of another massive groove that brings Nirvana´s Negative Creep to mind. That in the most positive manner. The actual closure Pripazi na ljude is the only let down of this outstanding album, but like always, there has to be one let down on every album.

All in all, Dobrodošli na okean climbs up to one of my definite favorite albums of 2012 and manages to do so with almost textbook perfection that leaves one wishing that the chosen language would have been English, since by then it would´ve been easier for Repetitor to gain the status that they deserve. No matter what the language is, with Dobrodošli na okean, Repetitor leaves me craving for more and hoping that the paths would cross again, since this is a band that I would love to see live.

Gary Giggle, transl. K. Weber

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