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HIM – His Infernal Majesty

Author Reinhardt Haydn 
Verlag / Publisher Plexus Publishing 
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Reinhardt Haydn is not the first author dealing with the one of a kind finish band HIM, but nevertheless he surely doesn`t have to worry about its sales figures. New information about this band always finds its purchasers. Mr. Haydn created a moving oversight about the history of the band, beginning with the childhood of Ville and his mates with focus on their musical development. Along with a lot of background information and quotes from the band members as well as amusing anecdotes, you learn about the different characters of Ville, Linde, Migè, Gas and Burton and get amazed by the manifold alliances with well-heard band- and musicians´ names involved the band story. In a long-term HIM-fan´s heart this book arises good and less pleasant memories, it has you relive all the joy, fears, hopes, and experiences you shared with the band of your heart throughout the years. Especially the mystical Heartagram symbol and its meaning beyond a pure demonstration of HIM`s aura and the genre definition of Love Metal give proof for the band´s uniqueness and identify them as a post-millenium Rock phenomenon.
The biography contains detailed explanations of the songs on the first five HIM albums and a lot of concert- and touring tales, as well as a well done selection of full page sized pictures. Even those are real and authentic, you can see yellow cigarette fingers and unmanipulated skin.
Either meant as jokes or terrible awkward editing mistakes: changing the bandname from “His Infernal Majesty” to “His Imperial Majesty” within a few lines or entitling the “Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights” track “Don`t close your Heart” to “Don`t close your Art”.
All in all reading “HIM – His Infernal Majesty” gives you a good time and leaves you with the feeling of pride for this band and you would wish for many more sequels concerning HIM in the future.
By the way, the future already started! Check out the new HIM album “Venus Doom” out now!

Katrin Dietl

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