STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: VIDEO DVD -

Simple Plan

Titel / Title MTV Hard Rock Live  
Label Warner 
Total run time
72:35 / 60:50 
Vö/Release27 Jan 2006 

Simple Plan have played them self some success in the USA with their happy, non rubbing Poppunk and working to achieve that also in the old country. A live album after two regular albums is a questionable thing for itself, but to give an overview for newcomers it guesses to be quite a good idea. 13 songs have been recorded for MTV’s show “Hard Rock Live” in Orlando. The crowd is in a good mood and the band has bumblebees in the ass like you can see clearly on the DVD. The difference between the DVD and the CD are the three bonus tracks of three acoustic versions of regular studio tracks. For fans of the band quite worthwhile and for young “trendpunks”.

Matthias Lohse

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