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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Diamond Dawn

Titel / Title Overdrive 
Label Frontiers Records 
Total run time

That Frontiers usually has a good taste when it comes to bands should be pretty clear for most people. That there are more and more Melodic Rock bands popping up is pretty fine for me but I start to doubt that all those bands will find enough fans at least here in Europe. Unimpressed by the ever growing pagan metal wave, Diamond Dawn now present their debut record “Overdrive” - a new Melodic Rock gem. Judging from their looks alone, one would guess that the band feels more home in the sleaze genre but nowadays looks doesn´t really have to say anything about anyone. Diamond Dawn consist of the guitar players Jhonny Göransson and Olle Lindahl, bassist Mikael Planefeldt, keyboarder Niklas Arkbro, drummer Effy Larsson and singer Alexander Strandell, all hailing from Gothenburg Sweden, and out to show the world that Sweden has more to offer than ABBA and Sleaze.

The new discovery of Frontiers shines on their record with nice melodies and lyrics, which one can sing along almost immediately. Already with the opening song “Power Games”, one realises that singer Alexander, at least with the higher notes, reaches his vocal limits. Thus, it´s maybe not the best piece to start the record with as here, with this song, his vocal performance is really the worst by far. Luckily, he improves from song to song, but I still think that there is more potential and power in this guy that I´d like to hear more of on the next record or so. It also seems to me that they had to work under enormous time pressure because, here and there, they could have worked a bit more on a song but all in all, “Overdrive” is a well-done debut record from the Swedes and we probably get to see and hear more of them soon.

Sandy Mahrer

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