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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Welcome Farewell 
Label Indie Recordings 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

After the Norwegians´ last album “V” was nominated for the Norwegian Grammy (the prize went to Årabrit´s “Solar Anus”), the expectations were high for the next creation, their sixth studio album. Vreid´s latest record, “Welcome Farewell” falls into their so-called “Black ´ Roll” (mix between 70´s Hard Rock & Black Metal) and in comparison to “V”, it looks like they shifted up a gear. It ranges from totally dark and gloomy in “Welcome Farewell” and “Sights of Old” to the neckbreaking “The Reap”. Sture´s vocals are just as we remembered and leave little room for criticism. The good old structure to the songs, as well as emotional melodies -without being slimy-, genre-fitting production, a lot of versatility and even better guitar solos than before, make this one of their best albums, along with “V”. The only thing left to ask for is a song that just gets stuck in your ear -which was there in the last album.

1. The Ramble
2. Way Of The Serpent
3. The Devils Hand
4. Welcome Farewell
5. The Reap
6. Sights of Old
7. Black Waves
8. At The Brook
Bonus Track: Fossil

Samira Alinto

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