STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Living Infinite 
Label Nuclear Blast 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

For quite some time, I tried to find something great on the new Soilwork album. Time after time I gave my best, I tried to understand the songs, find the choruses and to remember the melodies. After almost 2 weeks of continuously listening to it, I have to conclude: I am really disappointed. Where are the great melodies, the memorable choruses and the cool leads and synth? All of them are almost completely gone and substituted by speed and heavy stuff. But, one has to bear in mind that there are a lot of other bands who do these extreme sounds much better than Soilwork. There are only a few songs that are bit better than the average and those would have fit easily onto one CD. But why did Speed and his sidekicks need to hide them between songs, free of any identity and character on 2 CDs?

How can we put this album into the context of the band`s history? At the beginning of the 21st century, Soilwork and In Flames influenced the international Metal scene with their Gothenburg style Melodic Death Metal fundamentally. Nowadays, in 2013, it seems that their time of impact is finally over. While In Flames become more and more poppy and cheesy, Soilwork are going the opposite way: since Figure Number Five, they have been eliminating the poppy aspects and become much heavier and faster. It is a real pity, so I guess I have to keep listening to their older records...

Timo Pässler

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