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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Otto Dix

Titel / Title Mortem 
Label Dizzaster / Gravitator Records 
Total run time
60 min. 
Vö/ReleaseDecember 2012 

Through Europe stretches a special East-West-equator, a fine line between Slavic and Western mentalities. For the eastern musicians it´s damn hard to find the acceptance in the western ears; even more difficult, almost impossible, if singing in the own language. As with Otto Dix from St.Petersburg. But that´s good, even if they met - in spite of good will and various shows in Germany - until now rather little attention. That´s good, because this is their way to sound authentic and to connect the lyrics and the vocals with their music.

There was always a tune in their songs which sounded "East-Russian", but never before that east as on the new album, "Mortem", which has not yet appeared in the West; and in the booklet you will not find any translations of the Cyrillic lyrics. As singer Michael Draw explained to us, in these lyrics it´s about the different faces of death, the death of countries or individuals, of souls and bodies, and the death of humanity in general.

The new record is more quiet, elegiac and somewhat menacing than the previous productions. Electronic, melodic, sometimes technical-nervous "Goth Electro Wave" mixes with religious monk-like vocal parts on which the very special countertenor of Draw developes his solemn, operatic melodies. But he has tried as an evolution to more versatility, as he pulled in even lower octaves. The composer Marie Slip has enriched his programming with a mood that recalls retrospectively to the colours of the 80´s synthesizers, something of Kitaro and almost analogous New Wave is to discover. The violin by Peter Voronov nearly gave up her acoustic sound as a string instrument, resembling more than ever a distorted electric guitar.

The album seems to describe a journey. With the title song "Mortem", it pulls the listener through the Orient into border areas in the east, to return and lead with "Ars longa, vita brevis" in a sort of soundtrack to a French film-noirs. Otto Dix has remained fundamentally on this record and is very loyal to those who love the band. But it is not only the Russian mood, but also the playful, electronically embellished manner of composition and, of course, the specific singing, which many Westerners could find uncomfortable for their predefined taste. This is definitely not mainstream. It´s not really underground. It´s Otto Dix.

01. Аве (4:49)
02. Мортэм (4:54)
03. В Горе И Радости (3:59)
04. 1453 (4:10)
05. Карфаген (4:57)
06. Кровь Моя (3:39)
07. Кто Как Бог (3:24)
08. Огонь Небесный (2:42)
09. Страна Туманов (5:28)
10. Я Хочу (4:27)
11. Гуттаперчевый Мальчик (3:35)
12. Прошлое (5:12)
13. Последняя Пангея (4:46)

Andreas Torneberg

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