STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

The New Black

Titel / Title III: Cut Loose 
Label AFM Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

The band from Würzburg, Germany, formed in 2009, released their latest and third album in March of this year. With it, they managed to show that previous albums always leave some room for improvement – and it´s up to the band to fill this room with optimized skills. And they did.

„III: Cut Loose“ is an album with a strong rock sound that can convince with all its rough edges. Singer Fludid adds a lot to that with his vocals – charismatic, expressive and versatile, this is how he presents himself and his vocals on the album. Together with the catchy melodies, mostly carried by the straight forward guitar sound, it results in an impressive and convincing overall sound. The guitars are at times melodious, at other times, as mentioned, heavy and stirring – but always in a flawless and professional way. Also the guitar solos are to be classified as high quality. Thus, it is no surprise that they often manage to add more highlights to the songs. The lyrics too work very well – the majority invites one to sing along rather quickly and they really stick to the mind, without losing a certain standard.

„Innocence & Time“ presents itself as an interesting start into the album, yet I must say that there are songs that would´ve fitted better into this position. Regarding the vocals, this piece of music is not as strong and convincing as the rest of the songs, and additionally it has some partially monotonous sound within – this is how it can be perceived when listening to it for the very first time. Nevertheless it sticks to the mind, thanks to the catchiness, the very rocking parts and the good guitar solo.

Much more convincing than the opener track is „Muzzle & Blinkers“, even though the slow start of the song seemingly does not fit very well to the rest of the rather rocking song. With this song, the band did quite a lot right but I think it is just too long - the band cannot maintain the built up energy until the end of the song. The same is also partly true for „Any colour you like“. Nevertheless, the latter one can convince more, simply because it is more expressive and strong.

Clearly, there are some top picks and those are „Antidote“, „Count me in“ as well as „One thing I know“. The reasoning is simple: all are extremely strong songs, making it hard for me to find anything to criticize. A strong guitar sound, vocals that couldn´t be any better – what more to ask for?

Overall, it´s an album that it just fun to listen to. Also, it shows that the band once more made a huge step forward (in comparison to the last album). The songs have a lot of potential for upcoming live shows - so, you can expect a lot from the band, to say the least!

Carina Ullmann

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