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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title The Midnight Spiral 
Label Finest Noise 
Total run time

Already with their previous two records, “Why Start Breathing?” and “After All”, the guys hailing from Hannover hit the bull´s eye. And that´s because their sound has a lot to offer. You surely won´t get bored that easily, when listening to their, again, very versatile record, even though it´s a little less versatile than the last two albums. 14 tracks await the listener on “The Midnight Spiral”, among them are a few more soft tunes than fans of the band are used to. Most songs are between 3 to 4 minutes long, which I think was not a good decision by the band because all songs I like the most are over way too soon. Sometimes the sound reminds me of old Secret Discovery or Alice 2 records but I can´t really say why. Mindwise are doing everything right: soundwise, they did a brilliant job and I can´t say anything bad about the singer, he just nailed it. Thus, I wonder why Mindwise haven´t yet made their breakthrough, at least here in Switzerland. Of course, it is difficult to find a sponsor for a tour but it is definitely time for those guys to step outside and show the world what they have to offer. Right now, they are, I believe, only an insider´s tip in the alternative rock scene but I hope they will soon change that status.

Sandy Mahrer

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