STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Monosound 
Label Echozone 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

Alternative Rock from Zurich, Switzerland, lies in front of me, in form of a CD from a band named Keadaar. The unusual band name stems from the band member´s names: Steff KErhof on mic and guitar, René ADank on bass and Andy WAAR on drums. The guys who met in 2010 are now releasing their debut record titled “Monosound”. 13 songs await all listeners who want to give a Swiss alternative rock band a chance. The cover artwork is interesting because it is a photomontage of all three band members, who blend into one new character. Music-wise, the guys deliver a very versatile album; Steff´s voice is sometimes scratchy and then again very soft, it is very special but I wouldn´t describe it as unique. The sound of Keadaar is pleasant – it´s something you can have playing in the background, without paying too much attention in order to understand it. The production was done by the band itself to keep it authentic. Sound-wise, one can´t say anything bad about Keadaar but something is still missing, I think. But then again, this could also be a matter of taste. That´s why I always say listen to the record yourselves, especially so when it is a new band you haven´t listened to before. Recommended track: Between the Lines

Sandy Mahrer

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