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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Rot, so rot 
Label Germusica 
Total run time
Vö/Release19 Jul 2013 

The sextet from Beckum mixes Rammstein with Oompf! on their debut and adds on the track „Keine Angst“ a bit of Hendrix and In Extremo on top. Et voilà: „Rot, so rot“ is done and will be released in the middle of July.

Funny fact is that iTunes insisted on me listening to R&B from Nikita Germanie. But this bug should be fixed by the time of the release, if it wasn’t a malfunction of the player itself.

Per se, the mix sounds good and interesting, particularly as the whole thing got produced by Victor Smolski (Rage). Unfortunately the 5-track-ep is lacking of originality if it comes to lyrics, some of the melodies and the style of singing. The lyrics seem like a patchwork of Rammstein and Oompf!.

Especially on „Spinne“ and „Feuer Frei“ talking about a rip-off is possible. The melodies sound except on „Schwarzer Engel“ and „Keine Angst“ like you heard them already from the above-mentioned bands. Christopher Zumbült is presenting the rolling „r“ in a overdone way, that it would be cool again, if it would be a persiflage, but the press info tells me that „die Neue Münsterländer Härte“ (the new relentlessness from Munsterland) is serious about their work.

They do know how to handle their instruments, that’s for sure - although the three guitars are not noticeable. Nevertheless I can truly imagine some of the Oompf!-fans will enjoy Hemesath.

Samira Alinto

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