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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Preachers of the Night 
Label Napalm Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen/already released 

Congratulations, guys! With their new album, Powerwolf entered the German charts at position no 1. I can´t remember the last time when a non-mainstream Metal band achieved this. But what are the differences between Preachers of the Night an its predecessors that could explain this sudden success? The answer is easy: There are actually no major differences! Instead of following any trends or focussing on a mainstream audience, the wolves just went their way, consequently. Preachers of the Night is actually a logical further development of Blood of the Saints (and all the other earlier albums).

Of course, there are some differences between the new album and the older one: First of all, it is the density of potential hits. The band´s strength has always been to compose catchy melodies and choruses but, never before, have there been so many hits on one single album. Apart from the a bit more complex Nochnoi Dozor, all songs are instant sing-alongs and are quickly absorbed by ear and mind. Speaking of quick, it should be mentioned that Powerwolf also raised the overall speed and also the heaviness on their new album. So, even though the band probably would not like to hear it, I would call it pure Power Metal.

Also the lyrics have improved. In the past, many songs already contained sacral elements, now the band uses them way more often, as you can here in songs like Secrets of the Sacristy, Coleus Sanctus and Cardinal Sin. Also the use of Latin has increased. The song with the most sacral elements is Kreuzfeuer - it is also the first song in German language in the history of the band. Due to its lyrics, great melodies and dynamic arrangement, this song is the highlight of the album.

All in all I have to say that the wolves did quite a lot right, making Preachers of the Night one of the best albums of 2013. There are 10 great songs on the album and only one dispensable one (Nochnoi Dozor does not really work for me). I am really curious how the guys will integrate so many great songs into their new setlist.

Timo Päßler

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