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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Herb Sinus

Titel / Title Intense 
Label All Seasons Records 
Total run time
Vö/Releasebereits erschienen / already released 

“Herb Sinus is a versatile musician and a multi-instrumentalist,” is written on the singer/ songwriter´s website. True, his second album “Intense” gets at least 8 points for variety. However, in this case, variety means huge differences between songs, some being amazing and some not working for me at all. On average this only leads to an average rating.

The opener “In My Dreams” starts out great. Beautiful piano melody, good singing with a slightly rough voice and lyrics that beg for listening closely. Unfortunately, it gets a bit corny with the chorus and as soon as the second voice (sung by Joy Hunter) sets in it becomes too sweet and kitschy for my liking. Pity.

“To The Mountains” I like, but it´s a bit too smooth overall. My favorite is “I Wanna Be Touched” – everything fits: Music, singing, lyrics. The song goes straight into my ears, is great for singing along and has enough depth to be more than just another Pop/Rock song. If only the entire album were like this.

It continues like this for the remainder of the album, constantly switching between WOW and OH NO. The lyrics are always a plus, but the music is often too much easy listening to me, it does not have enough of an edge. On the positive side for me are “Deep As An Ocean” where I like the singing, even though the lyrics are a bit cliché and “Cool Inside” that stands out musically. On the other hand I just cannot warm up to “My Child” or “Here With You”. Everything else is somewhere in-between, often a mixture of both.

Overall a mixed album, with highs and lows, but Herb Sinus has potential and those who like singer/songwriters should give this a try and decide for themselves. Even though it only got 6 points from me, the album is very listenable.

1. In My Dreams
2. To The Mountains
3. I Wanna Be Touched
4. Princes And Roses
5. Dreamland
6. Cool Inside
7. Here With You
8. My Child
9. A Different Story
10.Deep As An Ocean
11.I Am Intense

Stefanie Oepen

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