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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -

Roger Stein

Titel / Title Lieder ohne mich 
Label Stum & Klang 
Total run time

With „Lieder ohne mich“ (Songs without me), Roger Stein releases his first solo album after four albums with his project “Wortfront”. I generally like Singer/Songwriters, it almost does not matter in which language they sing and so I am curious about anything on the market that I have not heard about. The album starts out well. The music is catchy and is nicely accompanying the lyrics, but never moves to the foreground too much, making it ideal for listening to the words. Someone is telling stories about life here, about things that matter to him. I like this, all is well, so I lean back and let the songs speak to me.

The lyrics are good, sometimes ironical and funny (Mängelexemplar), sometimes more serious (1890), somewhere between Konstantin Wecker and Reinhard Mey. The music is often centered around the piano, but there are lots of other instruments from accordion to drums, guitars and trombone. He uses different effects too, a good mixture and much variety. All this should be just my thing and I don´t really have anything to criticize but at the end of the album I notice that it does not work for me. Everything is right but it does not speak to me at all, meaning it does not trigger any emotions. From time to time, I catch myself nodding in agreement but to get and keep my attention, music has to go straight to my heart. Unfortunately, Roger Stein´s music does not.

Nevertheless, I´d advise everyone who likes this genre to give it a listen and decide if it works for him or her.

1. Klassentreffen
2. Heimweh Nach Woanders
3. 1890 (Berner Oberland)
4. Regen Im August
5. Alfred
6. Die Statistik
7. Unscheinbar
8. Salz
9. Liebesbriefe Ohne Namen

Stefanie Oepen

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