STALKER - Printversion
- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title Sanatorium 
Label Echozone 
Total run time
48 min. 
Vö/ReleaseNovember 2013 

“Neue Deutsche Härte” from Salzburg: The relationship to Rammstein coupled with hoarse vocals a la Eden weint im Grab, malignant mixed with cynical quotations from the classics of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms - that builds a bizarre contrast to the dark lyrics and the sometimes brutal industrial metal guitar thunderstorms.

The electronics hold back, sometimes present a portion of techno, but mostly create atmospheric backgrounds from creeps. The drums support the cause varied excellent. The foreground is filled by the half-singing, half-reciting voice, but you have to like or accept it, because it can get on the nerves with this croaking in monster-style.

The fun of morbid reveals the debut album of the band Krankheit - which was founded in 2011 - as a musical exorbitance debauching in theatrical horror incantations. Who plans to have a party in hell - this album offers the right music for this purpose, not without affectation. Lullabies for Elise quite nasty.

01. Tausendfüssler
02. Figaros Schlachtfest
03. Komm zu mir
04. Menschenfänger
05. Kranke(n)schwester
06. Guten Abend gute Nachtmusik
07. Die Antwort
08. MenschMaschine
09. Für Elise
10. Weisser Mann
11. Schlampe
12. Teufelsneurose488

Andreas Torneberg

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