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- Rezension: AUDIO CD -


Titel / Title 8 ½ – Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd 
Label Dark Essence Records 
Total run time

Since the new SHINING full-length album is still in the making, the band decided to release a re-interpretation of their earlier material, different SHINING songs that hark back to an earlier era for the band. Rather than simply re-issue the original tracks, SHINING has decided not only to re-record the songs, but re-record them using a number of different vocalists. As Shining founder and frontman Niklas Kvarforth explains, the idea behind this re-recording was also “ to put an end to this fucking bootlegging bullshit that has been infecting our aura for as long as we’ve been around.“

“8 ½ – Febedrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd” consist of six songs from the “Livets Ändhållplats” and “Angst” era in their original pre-production versions, with newly recorded bass and guitars on top and Lars Fredrik Fröslie’s keyboard magic.
For me this release is somewhat weird, providing a guitar sound I´d rather define as “white noise” than as “atmospheric”, but I assume this is simply a necessary characteristic of true old school Black Metal ... and one of the reasons I have problems to find this genre appealing.

Indeed remarkable is the variety of vocals (and languages), especially Attila Csihar with his throat singing offers something special. For fans of this band – or this genre - a MUST anyway, I am still not convinced/converted.

1. Terres Des Anonymes featuring FAMINE of PESTE NOIRE
2. Szabadulj Meg Önmagadtól featuring ATTILA CSIHAR of MAYHEM, TORMENTOR
3. Ett Liv Utan Mening featuring PEHR LARSSON of ALFAHANNE
4. Selvdestruktivitetens Emissarie featuring GAAHL of GOD SEED, WARDRUNA, EX GORGOROTH
5. Black Industrial Misery featuring MANIAC of SKITLIV, EX MAYHEM
6. Through Corridors Of Oppression featuring KVARFORTH himself

Klaudia Weber

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